
Dr. Kasia Fuiks博士对工作场所的未来持乐观态度.

“What each one of us brings may be replaced with something else but not the person. 这就是我充满希望的原因.”

Dr. Kasia Fuiks, PhD has spent her career building schools and rehabilitation centers in East Africa, being an organizational psychology consultant at various companies throughout 圣地亚哥, 并致力于开发和测试美国的评估.S. 海军. But the one constant in her life has been her association with Alliant International University. 

她自己也是校友, Kasia brings a deep appreciation of Alliant to her role as an assistant professor and program director of organizational psychology for their 圣地亚哥 campus and online programs. Long before that, Kasia earned her bachelor’s degree in 1997 while working in Nairobi. At that time, Alliant was known as the United States International University or USIU Africa. “已经25年了,这里可以说是我的家. 我去过其他地方,但我总是回到阿连特. The culture of Alliant has always had that international component and it values international competency and understands people from other cultures.” 

It was also during her bachelor’s program that she first learned about industrial organization (IO) psychology. 同时选修这方面的课程, she discovered three topics that sparked her interest to pursue this career: leadership, 动机, 和满意度. 

  1. 领导: “I had worked with so many leaders and I could never figure out why everybody is different; what is that formula? I learned that leaders have all kinds of behavior styles which make them effective in one setting but not in another one. Discovering this and learning that leaders need to adapt to the needs and desires of the people who they were leading, 给了我想要的答案."
  2. 动机Kasia已经知道人们的动力来自不同的事情. 然而, learning that employees are less motivated if they do not have control or autonomy over what they do deepened her understanding of this topic. “If employees cannot find people to relate to or a peer that they can learn from, or if they always feel like they're a failure or what they do is never enough, 然后他们的积极性就会显著下降. I realized that if leaders or the organization itself could provide employees with that control and autonomy, 这样员工就会更投入,表现也会更好.”
  3. 满意度: Kasia still recalls sitting in a classroom when a professor shared a finding about identical twins participating in a study about satisfaction. 她很感兴趣,因为他们有共同的基因, identical twins also shared an almost identical level of satisfaction (90-95%) even if they didn’t grow up together or held different jobs. “I found this so interesting because it revealed that we might not have as much impact on one’s satisfaction as we believe.“尽管影响减弱了, she believes this information is still invaluable to organizational psychologists when developing projects to assist with job satisfaction. 

关于员工心理健康和幸福的话题, Kasia is seeing improvements as we move forward in restructuring the workplace. When asked how she sees her role changing and how companies are creating better environments for their employees, 卡西亚很乐观. “有机会与他人建立联系是我们的基本需求之一. 我认为管理者将被要求成为更投入的领导者, especially with remote employees who have less opportunity to create relationships at work.” 

Kasia has seen first-hand that individuals who can create psychological detachment from their job recover much faster from work-related stress than those who don’t. She also believes that there will be more leaders who reward employees who take time off for their well-being. “There is a strong association between leaders who take time off for their well-being and their direct reports taking time off as well. Leaders should not only lead by example but also be more encouraging toward people taking time off to take care of their family, 他们的利益, 或者他们的整体心理健康. 它变得越来越普遍,这是一个积极的变化.” 

人工智能(AI)占据了许多有关工作的头条新闻, 以及这项新技术的利弊, 这个话题不可避免地会出现. “我鼓励我们的学生在使用人工智能时始终遵守道德规范. 我总是提醒他们,没人在监视你. 你需要知道这一点,并始终以道德行事. 你会告诉你的妈妈、爸爸或其他重要的人你做了什么吗? 永远记住这一点,因为在一天结束的时候,这才是最重要的.” Kasia shared her main concern behind AI which is that most people writing the programs and algorithms are men. “Women and people from diverse backgrounds should contribute their knowledge, too. 如果只有少数人决定我们如何思考和领导, 或者我们如何编程人工智能, 那么我认为这就是危险所在. 让更多的人参与到这项工作中来对我们所有人都有好处.” 

除了新技术, 为莎, the field of IO is always going to be about the human aspect of the industry because we are always working with people in the organization and that is not going away. “What each one of us brings may be replaced with something else but not the person. 这就是我充满希望的原因.”




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